If you don’t have a credit card, don’t worry. Most travel agents and airlines accept a variety of payment methods. And if you don’t have one, you’re in luck. There are several alternative methods that will work just as well, if not better. Keep reading to discover more about each method. Here are some of the most common alternatives to booking flights with a credit card. You’ll be surprised to learn which one works best for you!
Amex Platinum Card
Amex Platinum has earned a permanent spot in many travelers’ wallets thanks to its 5x point bonus every time you use the card to buy a flight. With a modest $695 annual fee, the card is one of the best ways to book flights, and its trip protection policies are nearly identical. However, you must consider several factors before signing up for the American express platinum card. In addition to the 5x point bonus, you’ll also get more valuable benefits, such as Global Entry and TSA PreCheck.
You can earn 5x points when you use your Amex Platinum Card to book flights through Amex Travel, but not when you use the card to book hotels or car rentals. In addition, you won’t get the bonus if you make your purchase through OTAs. However, you can still earn 5x points if you book your flight with the airline directly, rather than using a third party. However, you must make sure that the traveler has a Membership Rewards program account to be eligible.
Chase Freedom
When using the book flights with Chase credit card, you have two options: redeeming points for tickets or paying cash for them. The Chase travel portal allows you to book flights, hotels, rental cars, and more. It is important to keep in mind that flights with Chase do not have blackout dates or award inventory caps. You can easily find the best deal on flights, whether you use Chase points or cash. This credit card offers many benefits, and you may even be able to get a discount flight.
The Chase travel booking page will also let you know if you have enough points to pay for the flight in points. If you are using points to pay for the flight, you should enter your Known Traveler Number and Redress number. This information will help you earn frequent flyer miles and count toward your elite status requirements. Once you make your reservation, you should receive a confirmation email containing your flight information. It will also provide you with your current point balance.
American Express Platinum Card
When you have a Platinum Card, booking flights with it is a breeze. You can use your Platinum Card to make flights and hotel purchases, and you can also enjoy many other benefits. These rewards are worth more than the annual fee. In fact, you can earn as many as 100,000 rewards points for every dollar you spend, which can be redeemed for up to $1,000 in airline tickets. That’s almost double the cost of your annual fee!
The Platinum Card also comes with valuable travel coverage and protection, so you can use your card to purchase airfare without worry. This is especially useful if you travel on a regular basis. The card also earns 5x Membership Rewards points, which can be used to cover baggage expenses, which can be expensive. For frequent travelers, the Platinum Card may be worth a try. However, if you don’t travel often, you might want to consider another card.