Working in the field of digital marketing is currently a promising activity. It must be said that with the internet and social networks, the professions there are very advanced. Due to its essential aspect in the commercial universe, competition is indeed tough. If you indeed wish to apply in this field soon, you must demonstrate your skills. To do so, you should start by presenting an original marketing CV to stand out from the others. In addition, the production of this essential document must be carefully crafted. The following innovative techniques could indeed be useful to you.
Marketing resume: the basics
For your information, a good CV must especially have a good structure, an innovative design, and perfect content. These are inseparable criteria for writing a good CV. Often, recruiters base their choice on these points.
A marketing resume should reflect your personality and your creativity. It is the ideal tool that will make it possible to prove its capacity to find innovative ideas for the improvement of the marketing strategy of the company. Attracting the attention of recruiters must be based on the information included in the CV, in particular indications which can prove that your skills are up to their expectations.
As a general rule, your digital marketing CV should include professional experience in the field of digital marketing, level of education in marketing, commerce, or communication, professional and personal skills, and also marketing certifications. Moreover, you can take a look at an example of a digital marketing CV to discover the information to include in this type of CV.
Information to remember for the layout
The layout should not be neglected to successfully attract the attention of recruiters. Already, the ideal would be for the CV to be visible on a single page. This will make the document easier to read. Again, the typeface must be very professional. This is the case of “Calibri” or “Times New Roman”. Despite this, it is possible to turn to a more daring typeface. But we must not forget that the document must be easy and pleasant to read.
A single color is always preferred. However, the combination of two colors may well make it more original. For more aesthetics, all visual elements must be well cared for, namely logos, photos, and also icons. On the other hand, for the structure of the CV, the classic model is the simplest to implement. Depending on the order, you can start with the header including the photo, job title, and personal contact details. Then, you can continue with the professional profile, career path, studies, and diplomas. After that, we have the main skills as well as the secondary headings such as languages, centers of interest… Despite this, the Resume templates are plentiful, it is possible to use others that might distinguish you from other candidates.
Highlight your professional experiences
The candidate’s professional background is undoubtedly the information that most attracts recruiters. This is why it is important to take care of this part. Professional experience should really be valued. The ideal would be to present in the first place the experiences that have a direct link with the skills sought. However, it is always advisable to check the announcement carefully so as not to get the wrong domain.
In any case, in this part, recruiters must find out the title of the positions previously held by the candidate, the name of the company or agency that employed him, the years of practice in the profession, and also the essential missions entrusted to him.
Therefore, it is not a very good idea to post old professional experiences there first. It’s the newer ones that may appeal to the hiring manager.
What about the candidate’s training and studies?
As in a classic CV, the candidate must display on his CV the year of obtaining a diploma. In addition to this, it is necessary to show in the front line the highest levels in chronological order.
In this case, if you made it to Master 2, you would start there. Then, you continue with the Master 1, Professional license in Marketing and Communication….
If the school where you studied has a good and great reputation, the ideal would be to place the information before the professional experiences. On the other hand, if your course is long in the field sought, the experience part must pass before the previous part, that is to say, the professional experience part.
What business skills to include in your digital marketing CV?
In a digital marketing CV, several basic skills must be present. Moreover, it will be necessary to have the ability to lead during meetings, the ability to implement a marketing plan,and a marketing campaign, master the different channels of digital acquisition, carry out competitive intelligence, know budget management tools, etc.
All the previous elements are essential. But other additional information must also be included, such as the languages. In the marketing sector, bilingual candidates often seduce recruiters. Computer skills are also essential, namely Google Analytics, HTML language, CRM…
Consider digital marketing certifications
Here again, having certifications in digital marketing is a major asset to be able to get an interview. These are documents that clearly prove that you are capable of carrying out all future tasks in the chosen company.
But many frequently wonder about the ideal place for certifications. Fortunately, any problem also has a solution. For those who only want to announce a single certification, the ideal would be to put it in the very title of the CV…