Being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease can be devastating news for many patients. The early stages of Alzheimer’s can be challenging as the patient recognizes their memory care loss and sees its impact on their loved ones. The gradual loss of abilities and independence can crush their spirits. It’s critical to help boost their self-esteem and maintain their dignity. Ensure that they still feel cared for and respected as people. Even when they do not have lucid moments, they need respect and dignity in their daily lives and care. Here are a few tips to help boost self-esteem and maintain dignity.
Maintain personal appearance.
No longer being able to control personal care routines doesn’t mean a person with Alzheimer’s should no longer be allowed to have one. Making arrangements for regular hair care is essential. If your loved one starts losing hair, is a company that makes shampoos and conditioners specially designed to reduce hair loss. They can maintain fuller hair even when they have wet hair. For patients who previously wore make-up regularly or got their nails done, keeping up those appointments will help the patient. Allowing them to dress up when they want to, when they are taken to events to parties, or when they go to a religious service will also go a long way in maintaining their dignity. Simply telling them how nice they look can go a long way when you see them. Even if they no longer remember who you are, they may still recognize a compliment and feel good about what you’ve said.
Understand the disease.
Alzheimer’s research is constantly growing, and new information is being made available regarding the disease and possible treatments. Alzheimer’s disease can be confusing for the patient and the family members. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and general memory problems. Understing the disease will allow you to have a more compassionate understanding of their changes in mood and attitude and the gradual decrease in abilities. Caring for someone with dementia is a challenging and demanding job, and it is normal to feel stressed throughout the process. However, gaining a full understanding of the disease, including the progression of stages, will allow you to be prepared.
Get support and resources for your loved one.
Getting support and resources will be critical for you and your loved one with Alzheimer’s. There are assisted living homes and nursing homes specifically designed for people with memory loss, and they are staffed with individuals trained to work with patients who suffer memory loss. There are support groups for family members and caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients. There are also books and online resources that can help with the day-to-day struggles of caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. Many of these resources can provide practical tips to keep your loved ones safe while also boosting their self-esteem and helping them to maintain their dignity throughout the process.
Being advised to learn more about the disease may feel like more work when you already live in a stressful situation. You may not use how learning about the disease will help you boost their self-esteem or allow them to maintain their dignity. Here is the thing, when you don’t understand what is happening or why you may expect things of your loved one that they are no longer capable of doing or processing. Expecting them to do or understand something they aren’t capable of may make them feel useless or stupid. You may get angry or frustrated quickly, making them feel like a burden and stripping their self-esteem.