More than ever before, people are aware of the ongoing need for qualified healthcare workers in our communities. For this reason, many new college students have their sights set on top college majors in the field of healthcare that will make a big difference down the road. If you are considering your college options or are an older adult thinking about returning to the classroom, here is a closer look at top college majors for people considering careers in healthcare.
Nursing Programs
One of the most popular majors for healthcare students is nursing. Few in the healthcare industry would argue that nurses are one of the most valuable members of any clinic, hospital, or office staff. On the front lines with patients, nurses play an instrumental role in patient care and treatment. As a nursing major, you’ll learn how to work with patients and their families, administer medications, and navigate the treatment team processes that make quality healthcare work.
If you’ve ever wondered about jobs where you could make a difference and also have an interest in the health sciences, a nursing degree might be right for you. Start with a search for nursing programs in your area. Many community colleges offer two-year programs that you can complete online or in person. From there, you’ll have nearly limitless options about how you use your degree to make a difference.
These days, many nurses are taking their credentials on the road. Similar to how office jobs are trending toward remote work, nurses are connecting with fantastic recruiting agencies like Fusion Marketplace healthcare to land jobs as traveling nurses. As a traveling nurse, you’d be able to work with Fusion to find assignments that fit your lifestyle and interests in any location you choose. You’ll also have options about the length of your assignments and the types of facilities you work in. As a great way to strike a healthy balance between home and work, majoring in nursing and becoming a travel nurse is a good plan for anyone with a sense of adventure who also hopes to make a difference.
Therapy Programs
When considering healthcare, many people make the mistake of forgetting about mental health. Because it’s as important as physical health, it’s no shock that many top college admission consultants from places like Empowerly are seeing an increased interest in therapy degree programs. With a mental health crisis caused by the pandemic, there’s certainly a shortage in the number of mental health professionals out there. With a psychology major and graduate work in this important field, you could help fill a big need.
If discovering your career passion in the mental health field is something that interests you, consider talking to an Empowerly counselor about your specific interests and needs. They’ll be able to help you get into a top school with a psychology program that’s right for you.
Public Health
The pandemic has made it clear that we’re all connected. More people than ever are needed for important roles in public health. For this reason, more students are signing up for healthcare administration majors at colleges around the world. As a public health advocate or advisor, you’ll be responsible for messaging and helping communities to stay safe, especially in times of crisis.
At the end of the day, if one of your top goals is about making a big impact on the world, there’s no better way to help out than by getting a degree or credentials in the healthcare field. Regardless of where you choose to specialize, your work in healthcare will add up to safer, happier, and healthier communities. Best of luck to you as you pick a major that feels best for you. Thank you in advance for your essential services!
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