Eating habits have everything to do with how a person looks and how healthy they are.
There are tons of ways to eat well and live a healthy life, but the list is not as long for type 2 diabetes patients as they’d like it to be. Apart from not being able to eat what they want, they also have to ensure that their sugar levels do not spike whenever they take a meal.
Fruits can change this equation for them, provided they know which ones to eat. Read this blog to know about some of such fruits that can come in handy for meal planning for people who have diabetes.
- Start off with berries to fight diseases with antioxidants
It does not matter what kind of berries we talk about, be it strawberries or blueberries. Just dive right into it as you have every right to do so. This is because berries are packed with fiber and antioxidants, making them the perfect superfood for people who have diabetes.
As many as 21g of carbs and 84 calories make up one bowl of blueberries. In case you feel that eating them raw is not something that you look forward to, try to blend it all in with a dessert. It can be something that may become your permanent breakfast for ages.
2.Inflammation out of the window with cherries
Studies have shown that a bowl of cherries contains about 52 calories and 12.5 g of carbs, and on top of that, it helps fight inflammation. If that is not enough, tart cherries are packed with antioxidants, similar to berries, which can be great for fighting heart diseases, cancer, and tons of other ailments, as published in a food review way back in 2018.
The best thing is that these can be purchased canned, frozen, fresh, or dried, and each will offer the same benefits. But keep in mind that canned and dried packaging may have sugar in them, so check the labels twice before opting for anything that may backfire.
3.Get your peaches for potassium and a boost in the metabolism
Justin got his peaches from Georgia, and we think now is the time for you to start having your peaches. Not only is this fruit a treat for the summer weather, but it can also become a great addition to a diabetic patient’s diet.
A peach can have more than 59 calories, 14g of carbs, 10 mg of vitamin C, and 285 g of Potassium which covers 11 and 6% of the daily body requirements respectively. One can have it raw or toss it into a smoothie or as a topping. Make a smoothie to beat the heat today, and add this superfood into your diet to battle diabetes in some fashion.
4.Apricots are the perfect fiber-rich bite we need
Who does not love apricots, for heaven’s sake? They can be the next addition to your diabetes summer meal planning. As per the statistics, only 17 calories and 4 gm of carbs are present in one apricot.
Eating four apricots simply equates to fulfilling 15% of your body’s daily requirement of vitamin A. In case apricots were not already becoming your go-to food, they are also rich in fiber, all the more reason for you to eat one today.
So hop onto your plate and add some apricots into your salad or cereal bowl to mix things up for breakfast.
5.An apple a day keeps the blood sugar levels at bay
Guess the doctor was not joking when they mentioned that eating an apple to stay away. Take one with you in case you are on the move or going out to get some work done. A simple medium-sized apple can offer 25g of carbs and 95 calories.
To add to the tally, apples are loaded with fiber and offer vitamin C, with a single apple completing up to 9% of the daily requirement for the vitamin. One mistake that is commonly seen around is that people tend to peel their apples before eating them. Doing so can be a big mistake since the skin is stacked with antioxidants and fiber and is super nutritious.
6.Citrus kings-Orange for a juicy start to the day with vitamin C
Do you know that having a single orange can fulfill up to 80% of your daily body requirement for vitamin C? This juicy delight offers 63 calories and 15 g of carbohydrates with just one serving. Folate and potassium are also present in Oranges, things that can help control blood pressure.
And do not feel sad as there are plenty of other citrus fruits such as grapefruits to add to your fruit bowl.
7.Pears filled with vitamin K and Fiber
It is no secret that pears are an excellent source of fiber and vitamin K, making it a wise decision if you decide to add a pair to your meal plans. As opposed to most fruits, these get better in flavor and texture when they are picked.
Make sure to keep your pears at room temperature until they are ripe and perfect for use. After that, storing them in cold storage, maybe the refrigerator might be a good idea. Who is up for pears and spinach for breakfast? Never mind.
8.K from Kiwi, fiber, and vitamin C
Never had kiwi before, boy you are in for a treat. Many may not know about this, but the rough-looking brown covers hold a special green delicacy inside. It is a powerhouse of food, and one kiwi contains about 215 g of potassium, 64 mg of vitamin C, and 2g of fiber, together equating to 5, 71, and 8% of the daily body requirements.
Not to mention, it also has 10 g of carbs and 42 calories, so adding a couple of kiwis to your fruit bowl the next time you feel hungry would not be a bad choice by any means. One can buy all season and can be stored in cold storage for up to 7 days.
These are some of the best fruits that can be added to the purchase list the next time you run to the grocery store for your diabetic plans.