Instructing someone to do a certain task has always been harder than actually performing a task yourself due to the fact that it depends on their understanding of English language more than your clarity and precision. However, there are comparatively better ways to provide clear instructions in English Language. The need to provide instructions occur when you are dealing with a person with different native language. In the professional world you get to meet people or coworkers from different backgrounds and there are times when you find is difficult to explain a simple piece of work because of the language barrier that exists between you.
To limit the barrier you need to limit the words you use to instruct your listener of English language. In other words, precision is the key to instruct someone correctly, precise and shorter instructions can easily be understood. Along with the instructions you should also work on your gestures and nonverbal cues so that your listener gets to know your intention on the first place and guess it on his own.
But, sometimes your listener doesn’t catch your cues and the situation gets aggravated because you get agitated from repeatedly conveying him your instruction. In situations like these you can always use some positive words from to diffuse the situation.
Use Clear and Precise Language to Instruct in English:
Human brain grasps shorter instructions more efficiently than detailed ones so it is better to deliver one liners while giving instructions to the person who isn’t fluent in English language like others. The technique to use nouns more often than pronouns help the person relate the task to himself or to the person who has designed the task for him. In fact clear and precise instructions save your time and energy as well.
Use an Appropriate Tone while Instructing in English Language:
Tone plays a vital role while instructing in English Language, the situation is mostly aggravated when you yell mumble or castigate so have patience and try to simplify by using simple language or physical gestures. But don’t rush instead judge the persons’ ability or level of understanding of English Language and then try to give him signals that it’s OK and you both will figure a way to communicate.
Use appropriate Examples:
Relatable examples make a great impact on the listener, be sure that the examples are from his field of interest for instance; if he belongs to the sales department of a firm you can refer to a few methods to sales commission software or if he is from the teaching background you can refer to some text books from his native language so that he instantly catches up with you. Then you can switch back to English language or your nonverbal cues. This way the listener gets engaged with you and he is able to read your unsaid intentions quickly.
Be Specific Rather than General while Instructing in English Language:
While giving instructions in English Language you should be specific and avoid unnecessary details that confuse the listener and he gets puzzled. The confusion then leads to misunderstanding which isn’t a trait of a good instructor. To be precise, to instruct in English language you should be sorted and know exactly what to say to get the task done or it will remain undone or if it is done the accuracy of the task will be affected. For instance, if you ask someone to bring a book from a place tell them exactly where it is and also mention the name of the book to avoid confusion.
Ask if the listener gets Your Point:
Be sure that your listener is catching up with what is being said ask the listener time to time that if he understands and make up questions in English Language related to what you are instructing about. Assess the listener’s answers and repeat things he didn’t understand at first.
The most important point among these is that your English language must be good and clear. Moreover, your pronunciations of the English words are accurate so the listener doesn’t get confused. But, if they gets confused you also simplify your instruction in simple steps as well.